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Operational Risk Press Releases
dms management opens Hong Kong office
Feb 21, 2011 -
Emerging markets hedge funds lead the way for 2010, says HFR
Feb 18, 2011 -
Former JP Morgan executive to launch hedge fund
Feb 17, 2011 -
Events in North Africa could provide opportunities, according to fund manager
Feb 16, 2011 -
Smaller Asian economies offer best growth potential, according to RBC Capital Markets survey
Feb 14, 2011
Press Releases
Apex Fund Services opens Cayman office
Feb 21, 2011 -
VITEOS announces significant growth in assets under administration
Feb 07, 2011 -
Deutsche Bank and Traxis launch Ucits compliant global equity macro fund
Feb 01, 2011 -
Laven Partners launches Redflag database for professional investors
Jan 31, 2011 -
Global hedge fund industry not 'un-regulated' - AIMA
Jan 28, 2011
Alpha Waves: Road Warriors in the Transparency Wars
Jan 31, 2011 -
The unnoticed custody constraint in the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive
Jan 20, 2011 -
The drivers of hedge fund returns: Identifying risk and alpha
Jan 20, 2011 -
Alpha Waves: The Pebble in The Pond
Jan 20, 2011 -
Operational due diligence gets real at GAIM Ops Europe
Nov 02, 2010

Laven Partners announced today the official launch of the Redflag Database, a unique research database for professional investors covering hedge funds and fund of hedge funds currently representing more than US$ 150 billion in assets under management.

ABN AMRO Clearing has successfully commenced clearing its interbank interest rate swap (IRS) trades through SwapClear, LCH.Clearnet's market leading over-the-counter (OTC) IRS clearing service, thereby significantly reducing counterparty, credit and operational risk.
Goldman Sachs announced today the launch of its Derivatives Clearing Services (DCS) business. DCS provides clients with a comprehensive global OTC clearing service for interest rates, credit, foreign exchange, equities and commodities.