
Kevin Mirabile

1f564884-35dd-497c-a4a1-220c1354e6c8_Kevin1.jpg Kevin Mirabile is a chief operating officer at Larch Lane Advisors, a New York-based fund of hedge funds. Mirabile was previously a managing director at Barclays Capital.

The drivers of hedge fund returns: Identifying risk and alpha Jan 20, 2011

Operational due diligence gets real at GAIM Ops Europe Nov 02, 2010

Rich Marin

f943d210-475b-4736-a45e-360a61f34c1b_richmarin.jpg Rich Marin is the chairman and CEO of the Africa Israel Investment Fund (AFI USA), a major real estate investor in New York City. Prior to joining AFI USA, he was a consultant to a hedge fund. A former Bankers Trust derivatives executive, he was CEO of Bear Stearns Asset Management from 2003 to 2007. Rich Marin is also an Executive in Residence at the Graduate School of Management at Cornell University, the school from which he graduated in economics and from where he earned his MBA.

Alpha Waves: Road Warriors in the Transparency Wars Jan 31, 2011

Alpha Waves: The Pebble in The Pond Jan 20, 2011

Dominic Hobson

1896a47b-7036-48ea-97ed-7db0c9f711cf_DH4.jpg Dominic Hobson is editor – in – chief of the Asset International title Global Custodian. Dominic is a published author, with three books – The Pride of Lucifer (Hamish Hamilton, 1990), Saturn’s Children (Sinclair – Stevenson, 1995), and The National Wealth (Harper Collins, 1999). He holds a degree in history from Magdalene College, Cambridge. He currently resides in London.

The unnoticed custody constraint in the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive Jan 20, 2011